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Hope To Read

Memory's Wake

Memory's Wake - Selina Fenech Haunted by her past, chased by a dragon, wanted by the king and stalked by the strange, handsome savage that seems to know her, everyone is after Memory, and she suspects it's not just for her eye-catching outfit. Her forgotten past holds dangerous secrets that will challenge everything she believes and risk the lives of everyone she loves.

As always, I am thankful for the opportunity to participate in an author's request for a read-to-review. Similar to previous read-to-reviews I started off very hesitant. Maybe it's my gloom and doom tendencies. Thanks to [a:Selina Fenech|3032940|Selina Fenech|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1365728650p2/3032940.jpg] and her beautiful writing style I was pleasantly pleased with a book I was unwilling to put down. I spent one heart racing evening reading the entire book. [b:Memory's Wake|12035671|Memory's Wake|Selina Fenech|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1366618368s/12035671.jpg|16712654]

Memory is described as "a troubled sixteen year old". She begins her journey shabby, disheveled, tattooed, pierced, sullen and self centered. At first I was very put off by her character. I believe that most readers will be pleased by her transformations by the end of this book. Eloryn is thrust into the readers heart from the beginning. Her story is tragic and heartbreaking. At times she is too naive but her past makes this an understandable and accepted flaw. Roen, I believe is our most tragic of key characters. He is the seventh son of a seventh son and this has brought havoc to both his social and emotional lives. Our final key character is Will. Oh Will, what has this world done to you? Can friendship mend what the fae did not?

Author Selina Fenech has provided readers a unique story of magic, action, and romance. The story flowed wonderfully from one scene to the next. There were no slow spots and harsh detours. I applaud Selina for including her original artwork within the pages of the book. It truly added an in depth look into the heart of the story that is normally not found in other YA works of fiction. Will had my heart once I could envision him!

I look forward to continuing the Memory's Wake Trilogy by reading both [b:Hope's Reign|13291551|Hope's Reign (Memory's Wake Trilogy, #2)|Selina Fenech|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1367307068s/13291551.jpg|18496526] and [b:Providence Unveiled|13291563|Providence Unveiled (Memory's Wake Trilogy, #3)|Selina Fenech|/assets/nocover/60x80.png|18496538].

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